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Natural Scalp Fungus Treatment: Top 10 Effective Home Remedies

Last updated on : 05 Aug, 2024

Read time : 14 min

Fungal infections in the hair are a common problem that affects many people worldwide. These infections can cause various symptoms, including itching, flaking, and hair loss. While over-the-counter treatments are available, many people prefer to use natural home remedies that you can find in homes. 

This article will discuss some effective home remedies for fungal infections in hair that can help alleviate symptoms and promote healthy hair growth. These remedies are easy to make and use, and they do not have any harmful side effects. We will also discuss some preventive measures that you can take to avoid getting fungal infections in the first place. 

Whether you are dealing with a mild or severe fungal infection, these home remedies can provide the relief you need to restore your hair’s health and vitality. So, let’s dig in and explore some of the most suitable home remedies that you can use to treat fungal infections in hair.

What is Scalp Fungal/Yeast Infection?

A fungal or yeast infection on the scalp is caused by various types of fungi or yeast that thrive in warm, moist environments. Fungal scalp infections are common and generally harmless when present in small quantities on the skin. However, excessive growth of these fungi can lead to an infection. The likelihood of this increases when an area of the body is excessively moist and lacks adequate airflow.

What is Hair Fungal/Yeast Infection?

Fungal agents are a leading cause of scalp infections among humans. These multicellular organisms are found in various life forms, such as plants, animals, and fungi. They feed on organic matter, which causes decay in the surrounding material. 

Although commonly referred to as ringworm, it is a type of fungus and not a worm. It is prevalent in humans and frequently encountered in modern times.

The buildup of dead skin cells, oil, and pollutants can produce a favourable breeding ground for fungi. Neglecting proper hair care, such as infrequent washing, can encourage the growth of these infections. Furthermore, using styling products and harsh chemicals may worsen the situation.

Fungal infections are a common occurrence that can manifest in various body parts, be it on the soles of the feet, the fingernails, or even the scalp. It’s common for people to experience such infections at least once in their lifetime. 

The reasons behind hair fungal infection can range from poor hygiene to a combination of humidity and warm weather conditions. Other common fungal infections include diaper rash, athlete’s foot, jock itch, and oral thrush.

Fungal Hair (Folliculitis) 

Fungal hair, or folliculitis, is a common skin infection caused by bacteria that infiltrate the skin and disrupt hair follicles. It often results in a red ring around the base of the hair, particularly on the scalp. 

The condition can be triggered by various factors, such as shaving or plucking hair from the scalp, wearing snug headgear, or having overly damp skin. Taking preventive measures and seeking medical attention if symptoms persist is essential.

Types of Scalp Fungal/Yeast Infection

1. Tinea Capitis (Ringworm of the Scalp)

Tinea capitis is a common fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. It results in scaly, itchy patches on the scalp, which can lead to hair loss in the affected areas. This infection is highly contagious and often spreads through direct contact or sharing personal items like combs and hats.

2. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a type of yeast infection caused by Malassezia yeast. It leads to red, inflamed skin covered with flaky, white or yellow scales. This condition often affects oily areas of the body, including the scalp, and can cause dandruff.

3. Candidiasis

Candidiasis is caused by Candida yeast, which normally lives on the skin in small amounts. However, overgrowth can occur in warm, moist environments, leading to infection. Symptoms include red, itchy patches, sometimes accompanied by white, creamy lesions.

4. Piedra

Piedra is a fungal infection of the hair shaft, divided into black piedra and white piedra, caused by different fungi. Black piedra, caused by Piedraia hortae, results in hard, dark nodules on hair shafts. White piedra, caused by Trichosporon fungi, forms softer, white or light-colored nodules.

5. Favus

Favus is a chronic infection caused by the fungus Trichophyton schoenleinii. It leads to the formation of yellow, crusty lesions called scutula on the scalp. If left untreated, favus can cause permanent hair loss and scarring.

What Causes a Scalp Yeast Infection?

Scalp infections are frequently caused by Candida, a well-known fungus with more than 20 species. Candida albicans are the primary culprit behind Candida infections, accounting for most cases.

Below are the various reasons that can cause scalp fungal infections;

  • Certain health conditions
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Exposure to harsh chemicals in hair care products
  • High-stress levels
  • Insufficient personal hygiene practices
  • Open wounds on the scalp
  • Sharing towels or hairbrushes with individuals who have a fungal infection in their hair

It’s worth noting that scalp infections caused by fungi are highly contagious and can spread quickly through combs, hair tools, and towels.

How to know that you have a Fungal infection in your hair?

The most prevalent scalp infection caused by dermatophytes is Tinea Capitis, also known as ringworm. It’s important to note that despite its name, this infection is not caused by a worm but by a fungus. The skin develops ring-like patterns, where the name “ringworm” originated. One of the symptoms of ringworm on the scalp is hair loss.

Ringworms on the scalp can appear in several ways, but one of the most common signs is a small pimple that gradually grows more prominent. As the infection progresses, it can spread to other areas of the scalp, causing intense itching and dandruff. Unfortunately, scratching can lead to hair loss, as the toxins produced by the fungus weaken the hair and cause it to break. 

Eventually, scaly bald patches may appear, which can be particularly painful. Sometimes, a severe scalp infection may cause neck gland swelling or fever. If you suspect you have ringworm on your scalp, it’s essential to seek treatment right away to prevent further damage.

The prevalence of scalp ringworm is higher in urban areas, particularly in individuals with inadequate sanitation practices, in densely populated living quarters, or in regions with warm and humid weather. 

People with compromised immune systems, including diabetes, AIDS, or cancer, are at a greater risk of contracting scalp ringworm. If you are experiencing scalp ringworm, several treatments can be done at home.

Symptoms of Fungal Infection in Hair or Scalp Infection

Due to the diverse scalp infections, the symptoms of each type may differ considerably. 

The following symptoms could indicate the presence of a scalp infection:

  • Persistent itchiness on the scalp
  • Painful red spots on the scalp
  • Thinning or breaking of hair strands
  • Flakey dandruff on the scalp
  • Unexplained hair loss
  • Formation of scaly patches on the scalp
  • Development of head bumps or lumps
  • Dry and uncomfortable scalp
  • Bald patches that appear suddenly
  • Occasional mild discomfort or tenderness

Various indicators suggest the possibility of a scalp infection. However, it is optional to experience all of these symptoms simultaneously. Sometimes, the scalp may carry bacteria or fungi without any visible signs.

What are the Home Remedies for Scalp & Hair Fungal Infections

There are various ways or natural home remedies to treat Scalp and Hair Fungal Infection mentioned below;

10 Scalp Fungus Treatment Home Remedies are;

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Neem Leaves
  • Ginger
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Coconut Oil
  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Castor Oil
  • Lemon

1. Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil is a beneficial natural remedy for scalp infections caused by bacteria and fungi. Combined with carrier oils like olive or coconut oil, it forms a powerful solution that can be applied to affected areas three to four times daily. This remedy is widely recognised as one of the most effective natural antifungal remedies that effectively combat hair and scalp yeast infections.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is known to possess beneficial properties that can help combat both bacterial and inflammatory issues. Mixing a small amount of it with water and applying it to the affected area can work wonders in reducing itching caused by fungal infections in the hair.

3. Garlic

Regular consumption of garlic has been found to decrease the likelihood of fungal infections due to its potent antifungal and antibacterial properties. In the case of ringworm on the scalp or tinea capitis, a mixture of garlic cloves and coconut or olive oil can create a paste. This paste can then be applied to the affected area for approximately thirty minutes to combat the infection effectively.

4. Neem Leaves 

Neem is a plant with remarkable qualities that can benefit your skin and protect it from microbes. If you’re struggling with a fungal infection on your head, use neem water to soothe the affected area. 

To prepare it, boil neem leaves for a few minutes and cool the mixture. This natural remedy is beneficial if you’re dealing with scalp infections, ringworm, or fungal infections in your hair. By harnessing the power of neem, you can give your skin and hair the care they deserve.

5. Ginger

Ginger, a natural ingredient, contains gingerol that exhibits antifungal properties. Drinking ginger tea is an effective measure in preventing and treating fungal infections such as Candida.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties. Using a cotton ball, you can consume it by adding two teaspoons to warm water or applying it topically to the skin. Consistent use has been known to provide positive results up to three times daily. This method is particularly effective for treating scalp ringworm and managing fungal infections at home.

7. Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is an effective topical home remedy for fungal infections. It contains antifungal properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of tinea capitis. To use coconut oil, warm it up and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball three times a day as an antifungal hair oil. This home remedy has produced positive results in treating fungal infections.

8. Aloe Vera Gel

If you are experiencing symptoms of ringworm infection, like itching and redness, one potential solution is to try aloe vera. Applying aloe vera gel to the infected area three times a day may help relieve these symptoms. 

Additionally, topical ointments contain aloe vera, which can be used as a treatment for tinea capitis in the comfort of your home. It is important to note that while aloe vera may provide relief, seeking professional medical advice and treatment is still recommended.

9. Castor Oil

Castor oil is a natural remedy shown to have antifungal properties due to the presence of ricinolates. If you’re struggling with a fungal infection, you might find relief by using castor oil. Here’s how you can use it:


– 1 tablespoon cold-pressed castor oil

– 1 tablespoon coconut oil


1. Mix the two oils in a bowl.

2. Apply the mixture to your scalp, massaging it with your fingers. Use any remaining oil to treat the rest of your hair.

3. Allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes.

4. Rinse your hair thoroughly with a gentle shampoo and conditioner.

5. Repeat this process once or twice a week.

10. Lemon

Citrus fruits such as lemons contain properties that are effective in treating fungal scalp infections due to their antimicrobial properties. 

Here’s how you can use it:


1 tablespoon of lemon juice 

1 cup water


1. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of water and mix it well.

2. Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before proceeding with your regular shower routine.

3. Try repeating this process 2-3 times weekly for the best results.

Remember that lemon juice can dry your scalp, so use the recommended amount and avoid overdoing it.

Takeaway Message

You can treat scalp fungal infections with various effective home remedies to help eliminate the fungal infection from your hair. However, it is essential to note that making some necessary lifestyle changes may also be required to prevent the recurrence of this condition. 

Suppose these fungal infections home remedies do not work, seeking medical consultation from a qualified doctor who can prescribe suitable medication such as Terbinaforce Plus Nf, Terbest Cream, or Terbitotal 1% Cream is advisable to tackle the fungal infection in your hair. Remember, seeking timely medical intervention can help you regain healthy, infection-free hair.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you prevent Scalp & Hair fungal infection naturally?

Certain essential oils have been examined for their potential as antifungal agents in natural remedies. Citronella, geranium, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and peppermint are just a few of the oils that have been subjected to testing, and the results have been promising. These oils have demonstrated the ability to combat fungi effectively and serve as potent antimicrobials. Another oil that has shown antifungal activity is tea tree oil, which is revered for its numerous therapeutic properties.

What are the home remedies for hair fungal infections?

Home remedies to treat hair fungal infection comprise a range of solutions, such as the application of apple cider vinegar, topical use of coconut oil, using essential oils, and incorporating tea tree oil shampoo into your hygiene routine.

Can scalp fungus cause hair loss?

Scalp ringworm, scientifically known as tinea capitis, is a fungal infection that can impact your hair and scalp. The indicators of this condition are red patches that are swollen, rashes that are scaly and dry, itchy sensations, and hair loss. This uncomfortable ailment is caused by the presence of dermatophytes, which are fungi that closely resemble mould.

Is hair fungus permanent?

Fungal infections can cause circular, scaly and inflamed patches on the scalp. This condition may also result in temporary hair loss. However, if left untreated or there is a delay in treatment, scarring can occur and lead to permanent hair loss. It is essential to address any scalp issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Will hair regrow after fungal infection?

It is commonly observed that hair regrowth occurs once a fungal infection is treated successfully. However, in rare instances where hair fails to grow back, it could indicate underlying hair loss issues such as genetic predisposition. In such cases, hair transplant surgery could be a viable option for addressing bald patches and restoring a fuller head of hair.


The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


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