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Healthy Indian Diet for Gestational Diabetes

Written byNikhil Ambatkar

Last updated on : 08 Aug, 2024

Read time : 23 min

Pregnancy is a joyous and transformative time for women, marked by the remarkable growth of their precious little ones. As the body undergoes significant changes to nurture the developing baby, it becomes paramount to prioritise careful monitoring and attention to ensure a healthy and complication-free journey.

Gestational diabetes is a concern for many during pregnancy. It is a condition resulting from increased glucose in the blood during pregnancy. It leads to a risk of negative consequences for the baby’s health regarding weight and blood pressure. 

Additionally, gestational diabetes influences the mother’s health, potentially impacting factors such as blood pressure regulation and long-term susceptibility to diabetes.

Therefore, seeking medical advice and following all recommendations is imperative to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery.

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that usually develops during pregnancy around the end of the second trimester. It is a condition caused by hormonal changes that affect insulin sensitivity, resulting in high blood sugar levels. It may present symptoms like increased thirst, excessive urination, and fatigue.

In India, gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly common, affecting more and more pregnant women each year. Dietary changes can be crucial in managing gestational diabetes and ensuring a healthy pregnancy. 

The Indian diet, with its rich and diverse cuisine, can be an excellent choice for women with gestational diabetes. By making simple modifications to the traditional Indian diet, pregnant women can manage their blood sugar levels and maintain good health during pregnancy.

This article will explore the gestational diabetes diet in detail. We will discuss the nutritional requirements of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and the role that various Indian foods can play in meeting those requirements. We will also provide tips and recommendations for meal planning, portion control, and snacking.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin to meet the extra needs of pregnancy, leading to high blood sugar levels. This condition usually goes away after the baby is born, but it can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Managing gestational diabetes involves a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sometimes medication.

When does Gestational Diabetes occur during Pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that usually develops during pregnancy around the end of the second trimester. It is a condition caused by hormonal changes that affect insulin sensitivity, resulting in high blood sugar levels. It may present symptoms like increased thirst, excessive urination, and fatigue.

In India, gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly common, affecting more and more pregnant women each year. Dietary changes can be crucial in managing gestational diabetes and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

How does Gestational Diabetes affect the Baby?

When a pregnant woman has gestational diabetes, it can impact the baby in several ways. One concern is the increased risk of the baby being born larger than average, weighing 9 pounds or more. This condition, known as macrosomia, can make the delivery process more challenging. Additionally, there is a higher likelihood of the baby being born prematurely, which may lead to respiratory and other complications. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is another potential effect on the baby.

Furthermore, there’s an elevated risk of the child developing type 2 diabetes later in life, emphasizing the importance of closely managing gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Regular monitoring and appropriate interventions are crucial to mitigate these potential risks for both the mother and the baby.

Indian foods for Gestational Diabetes 

Prioritise your health during pregnancy above all else. Consult a qualified nutritionist for valuable insights into your dietary needs. If diagnosed with gestational diabetes, working with a nutritionist can help effectively manage blood sugar levels. 

Don’t let a large amount of information out there stress you out – simply focus on taking care of yourself and seeking expert advice when necessary.

Fortunately, pregnant women with diabetes can safeguard themselves and their babies by adhering strictly to a diabetic diet. It can prevent any adverse effects of the condition and ensure a smooth pregnancy with a healthy newborn. Here are some recommended dietary guidelines to follow during pregnancy:

1) Carbohydrates

For those diagnosed with gestational diabetes, paying close attention to macronutrient intake is essential, with carbohydrates taking the lead. How carbohydrates are digested and absorbed can significantly increase blood glucose levels. It is crucial to keep track of carbohydrate intake to prevent postprandial hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels after a meal).

If you’re looking to manage your gestational diabetes with a balanced diet, there are a variety of carb-rich foods that you may find beneficial to incorporate into your meals. Here are a few options to consider:

a) Fruits

Incorporating certain fruits like lemon, orange, guava, and green apple into your diet can aid in meeting your daily recommended vitamin C intake. These fruits also provide a healthier alternative to satisfy your sweet cravings.

b) Brown Rice 

Brown rice is an ideal alternative to white rice. It offers a slightly lower glycemic index (foods that don’t cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels) and has more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Adding moderate brown rice to your lunch or dinner is wise as part of a balanced gestational diabetes diet.

c) Grains, Vegetables, and Legumes

Incorporating a variety of veggies such as beans, peas, lentils, corn, spinach, and lettuce, along with whole-grain cereals like oats, millet, barley, quinoa, and sorghum, can significantly impact the regulation of blood sugar levels while providing crucial nutrition to support a healthy pregnancy. 

These foods are packed with fibre and boast a low glycemic index, which helps your digestive system function properly and decreases your risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes in the future. By adding veggies, grains and legumes to your gestational diabetes diet, you’re benefiting yourself and your growing baby.

2) Protein

Throughout pregnancy, there exists a need for a higher intake of protein as it serves a crucial purpose in the development of maternal components such as the blood, uterus, and breasts, as well as the growth of the foetus and placental tissues.

a) Dry Beans and Lentils 

Incorporating red chana, rajma beans, chickpeas, and brown, green, and red lentils into your gestational diabetes diet can provide essential nutrients like fibre, folate, and iron. These nutrients are beneficial for managing gestational diabetes.

b) Paneer, Soy Chunks 

Paneer and Soy are two nutrient-rich foods widely consumed worldwide. Apart from being delicious, these foods offer a host of health benefits that are well-documented. For instance, paneer is known for its role in weight loss, bone health, and diabetes treatment. 

On the other hand, Soy is loaded with isoflavones, a group of compounds shown to lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. So, to improve your health, Paneer and Soy are two foods you should consider adding to your gestational diabetes diet.

c) Eggs

If you’re looking for a diabetes-friendly diet plan that still includes some tasty options, consider incorporating eggs into your meals. Despite being a non-vegetarian food, they’re low in carbs and can be a great addition to your gestational diabetes diet. 

If you’re searching for a healthy and filling food choice, it’s worth considering eggs. Remember that while the egg white has more protein, the yolk contains healthy fats that won’t affect your blood sugar levels. 

Additionally, with their low glycemic index, eggs are an excellent choice for those who want to avoid sudden blood sugar spikes.

d) Fish

The nutritional value of fish and seafood is to be considered. These aquatic delights are teeming with protein and are incredibly lean sources of sustenance. 

Moreover, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance cognitive function and bolster brain health, especially in pregnant women.

3) Healthy Fats

If you are expecting and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, keeping an eye on your fatty food consumption is recommended. It’s best to moderate your intake of items such as butter, margarine, salad dressing, cooking oil, and desserts.  

Additionally, it is advisable to avoid foods high in saturated fat, like cheese, bacon, and hamburger.  

It is crucial not to eliminate fats and oils from your diet entirely. These nutrients are necessary for your baby’s brain development. Opt for healthy oils, including olive and peanut oil.

a) Avocado

If you’re looking for a nutritious snack, consider indulging in a delicious fruit with healthy fats and essential vitamins. It is low in complex carbs and has a low glycemic index. Additionally, this fruit has been found to have satiating properties, helping people feel fuller for extended periods without consuming too many calories.

b) Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and peanuts are packed with vital nutrients, including proteins and healthy fats, which aid in improving heart health. For those with gestational diabetes, nuts make for an ideal snack as they have low carbohydrate content and high amounts of protein, fibre, and healthy fats, essential for maintaining a healthy diet.

Indian Foods to Avoid with Gestational Diabetes

While it’s true that a variety of foods can be enjoyed in moderation, it is advisable to stay away from sugary treats like candy, cookies, and soda. Choose healthier options and avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates like processed snacks and white flour, which can rapidly raise blood sugar levels.

It’s natural to desire something sugary or processed now and then. If you do, don’t stress out about it. Allow yourself to indulge in a small amount and then move on. For example, if you’re craving soda, take a sip from your partner’s cup and order a glass of cold water or a diet soda. Resisting the craving may worsen it, causing you to give in and consume more. So, satisfy your craving in moderation without feeling guilty.

Here are some food and beverages you should avoid when dealing with gestational diabetes. Knowing which items to limit or stay away from is essential.

a) Soft drinks

If you happen to be dealing with gestational diabetes, then it’s best to stay away from sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, punch, and sugar-added juices. These drinks can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels right after consumption and offer very little nutritional value. Opt for healthier alternatives such as drinking water or unsweetened tea or coffee is advisable to satisfy your thirst.

b) Sweets

Like sugary drinks, limiting your intake of candy, ice cream, cake, doughnuts, and other baked treats is best. However, we all have special occasions and holidays to look forward to, so planning for some indulgences is essential. Remember, it’s all about balance.

If you consume extra carbohydrates, engaging in low-impact activities your healthcare provider has approved is a good idea. It will help your body process the glucose more effectively.

c) Foods High in Sugar or Starch

Research has shown that starchy foods that are high in carbohydrates have the potential to increase blood sugar levels. These foods include white bread, potatoes, white pasta, rice, naans, and overly ripe bananas. It is recommended to keep a watchful eye on the intake of these foods to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Limiting the consumption of foods with exceptionally high starch content and a higher glycemic index is advisable.

d) Alcohol

Women who are pregnant need to abstain from drinking alcohol. It is crucial for those who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Even a tiny amount of alcohol can adversely affect the development of a growing fetus. It’s vital to prioritise the health and well-being of the baby and avoid any potential risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

e) Processed Food

Expecting mothers need to be mindful of their food choices and steer clear of junk food in any shape or form. It’s best to avoid the temptation of burgers, pizzas, and pasta as they are high in calories and barely nutritional. These foods are also loaded with artificial ingredients and chemicals that can harm the baby’s health. Instead, choose healthy and nutritious options such as eggs, fish, leafy greens, tofu, yoghurt, whole grains, and nuts to ensure a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy.

f) Fried Food

The study showed a strong correlation between frequent fried food consumption before pregnancy and the likelihood of developing gestational diabetes. The findings indicate that women who consume fried food thrice a week are 13% more likely to develop gestational diabetes. Additionally, those who consume fried food four to six times a week have a 31% higher risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy than those who do not consume fried food as frequently.

Sample Meal Plan for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes (GD) doesn’t have to restrict your daily food choices. We have curated four meal plans specifically for you that are nutritious and delicious. You can experiment with different variations and combinations of these meal plans to satisfy your palate. You can refer to more comprehensive diabetes diet chart. 

However, it’s essential to remember that a personalised diet plan suggested by your healthcare provider or dietician is the most effective way to manage your GD.

7-day Indian Gestational Diabetes Diet Chart for Vegetarians:

7-day Indian Gestational Diabetes Diet Chart for Vegetarians
7 Day Indian Gestational Diabetes Diet Chart for Vegetarians
DayMealFood Items
Day 1BreakfastTwo slices of toasted whole-grain bread, fresh cottage cheese (paneer) (50g) with green chutney
Mid-Morning SnackGreek yoghurt with mixed berries
LunchBrown rice with lentil curry, mixed vegetable stir-fry, and a side salad
Afternoon SnackRoasted chickpeas
DinnerTofu stir-fry with broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms + quinoa
Evening SnackSprouts salad
Before BedA glass of milk or unsweetened almond milk
Day 2BreakfastOats with almond milk, sliced almonds, and berries
Mid-Morning SnackVegetable sticks with hummus
LunchWhole wheat chapati with paneer curry, mixed vegetable dal, and cucumber raita
Afternoon SnackMoong dal chilla (pancake) with mint chutney
DinnerQuinoa pulao with mixed vegetables and a side of yoghurt
Evening SnackRoasted peanuts
Before BedHerbal tea with a few unsalted nuts
Day 3BreakfastVegetable uttapam (savoury pancake) with coconut chutney
Mid-Morning SnackGreek yoghurt with chopped fruits
LunchBrown rice with rajma (kidney beans) curry, spinach dal, and a side salad
Afternoon SnackRoasted chana (chickpeas)
DinnerVeggie-loaded pasta with whole wheat pasta, tomato sauce, and mixed vegetables
Evening SnackCarrot and cucumber sticks with hummus
Before BedA glass of buttermilk
Day 4BreakfastPoha (flattened rice) with vegetables and plain yoghurt
Mid-Morning SnackFruit salad with a sprinkle of chaat masala
LunchQuinoa with mixed vegetable curry, moong dal, and cucumber raita
Afternoon SnackRoasted makhana (fox nuts)
DinnerWhole wheat chapati with palak paneer, vegetable biryani, and a side salad
Evening SnackSprouts salad
Before BedA glass of milk or unsweetened almond milk
Day 5BreakfastVegetable dalia (broken wheat) with Greek yoghurt
Mid-Morning SnackRoasted pumpkin seeds
LunchBrown rice with chole (chickpea) curry, mixed vegetable dal, and cucumber raita
Afternoon SnackMixed fruit smoothie with no added sugar
DinnerQuinoa with mushroom curry, spinach dal, and a side salad
Evening SnackVegetable soup
Before BedHerbal tea with a few unsalted nuts
Day 6BreakfastBesan chilla (gram flour pancake) with mint chutney
Mid-Morning SnackRoasted peanuts
LunchWhole wheat chapati with bhindi (okra) masala, mixed vegetable dal, and a side salad
Afternoon SnackGreek yoghurt with chopped fruits
DinnerTofu tikka masala with brown rice and cucumber raita
Evening SnackVegetable sticks with hummus
Before BedA glass of buttermilk
Day 7BreakfastVegetable upma (semolina dish) with plain yoghurt.
Mid-Morning SnackRoasted chana (chickpeas).
LunchBrown rice with mixed vegetable curry, moong
Afternoon SnackRoasted makhana (fox nuts)
DinnerQuinoa with mushroom curry, spinach dal, and a side salad
Evening SnackVegetable soup
Before BedHerbal tea with a few unsalted nuts

7-day Indian Gestational Diabetes Diet Chart for Non-Vegetarians:

Gestational Diabetes Diet Chart for Non-Vegetarians
DayMealFood Items
Day 1BreakfastScrambled eggs with vegetables and a slice of whole wheat bread.
Mid-Morning SnackA small bowl of mixed fruits.
LunchGrilled chicken breast with stir-fried vegetables and some brown rice.
Afternoon Snackyoghurt with a handful of nuts.
DinnerFish curry with steamed vegetables and some quinoa.
Evening SnackRoasted chicken or turkey breast slices.
Before BedA glass of milk or a small bowl of low-fat yoghurt
Day 2BreakfastOmelette made with egg whites, spinach, and mushrooms, served with whole-grain toast.
Mid-Morning SnackA small bowl of unsalted roasted peanuts.
LunchGrilled chicken or fish with mixed green salad, quinoa, or whole wheat bread.
Afternoon SnackA boiled egg and a serving of cucumber slices.
DinnerBaked chicken or fish with roasted vegetables and a small portion of brown rice.
Evening SnackA small portion of grilled lean meat (chicken or fish).
Before BedA glass of buttermilk or a small bowl of low-fat yoghurt.
Day 3BreakfastSpinach and mushroom frittata
Mid-Morning SnackMixed berries smoothie (without added sugar)
LunchTandoori chicken with cucumber and tomato salad
Afternoon SnackBoiled eggs
DinnerLamb curry with a side of spinach and quinoa
Evening SnackWalnuts
Day 4BreakfastSmoked salmon with whole wheat bread and avocado slices
Mid-Morning SnackGreek yoghurt with chopped fruits
LunchGrilled chicken salad with mixed greens and a light dressing
Afternoon SnackMoong dal (lentil) soup
DinnerFish tikka with roasted vegetables and brown rice
Evening SnackCottage cheese (paneer) cubes
Day 5BreakfastChicken sausage with vegetables
Mid-Morning SnackHard-boiled eggs with cucumber slices
LunchBaked chicken breast with a side of quinoa and steamed broccoli
Afternoon SnackRoasted chickpeas
DinnerMutton curry with cauliflower rice
Evening SnackAlmonds
Day 6BreakfastOmelette with mushrooms, bell peppers, and whole wheat bread
Mid-Morning SnackApple slices with almond butter
LunchGrilled fish with a side of stir-fried vegetables and brown rice
Afternoon Snackyoghourt with chopped nuts
DinnerChicken biryani (made with brown rice)
Evening SnackRoasted pumpkin seeds
Day 7BreakfastChicken keema (minced chicken) with whole wheat bread
Mid-Morning SnackMixed berries smoothie (without added sugar)
LunchGrilled shrimp (zinga) with cucumber and tomato salad
Afternoon SnackMoong dal (lentil) soup
DinnerLamb curry with a side of sautéed spinach and quinoa
Evening SnackWalnuts

Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to customise the diet plan according to your specific needs and preferences. They can provide personalised guidance and help you make the necessary adjustments to manage your gestational diabetes effectively.

Tips for Healthy Habits with Gestational Diabetes

  • Stay Hydrated with Water: Drink adequate water throughout the day to stay hydrated. It’s essential for overall health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Avoid sugary drinks and opt for water as your primary beverage.
  • Exercise: It’s essential to prioritise physical activity for your overall health. You don’t need to commit to a rigorous exercise routine, but incorporating simple activities like walking, biking, or playing active video games can make a difference. Try to aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week to see benefits such as improved blood sugar, reduced risk of heart disease, weight loss, and stress relief. Don’t wait.
  • Establish a Sleep Routine: Prioritise quality sleep as it is vital in managing gestational diabetes. Establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, such as taking a bath, reading a book, or practising gentle stretching exercises. Try to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Pregnancy sugar diet chart: Consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for a personalised pregnancy sugar diet chart that suits your specific needs. They can help you monitor your blood sugar levels and make necessary adjustments to your diet throughout your pregnancy.
  • Get regular check-ups: Prioritising your health by scheduling regular check-ups with your doctor is essential. Ensure you know your numbers by keeping track of your cholesterol, blood pressure, and A1c levels, which provide an average blood sugar reading over three months. Those diagnosed with gestational diabetes should prioritise their health to mitigate the potential risk of developing heart disease. It is imperative to stay informed and proactive about managing this condition. 

Tips for Maintaining Good Health with Gestational Diabetes

If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes may be higher. It is highly recommended to get tested for diabetes during your postpartum visit and inform your primary care provider for continuous monitoring and guidance on minimising your risks.

To manage your gestational diabetes, consider the following tips:

  • Keep a healthy diet: Devising a meal plan can guarantee a well-rounded intake of starches, fruits, vegetables, proteins, milk, and healthy fats. 
  • Stay active: Engaging in various physical exercises, like swimming, cycling, or even strolling, can contribute to the improvement of your blood sugar regulation in your body.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Achieving a healthy weight after pregnancy is recommended as it can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Keep blood sugar level: Many individuals record their blood glucose levels in a diary, documenting details about their meal plan, physical activity, and rest, enabling them to identify the impact of specific eats or movements on their body.
  • Take medication when needed: Despite implementing multiple changes in one’s lifestyle, some individuals may still require insulin or other medications during pregnancy to effectively manage their blood sugar levels.

Management of Gestational Diabetes

The management of gestational diabetes involves a comprehensive approach to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. It typically includes maintaining a balanced diet, monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, engaging in physical activity, and attending regular prenatal check-ups. 

  • A healthy diet focuses on whole foods, portion control, and avoiding sugary and processed foods. 
  • Regular exercise helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes overall health. Monitoring blood sugar levels helps track the effectiveness of the management plan. 
  • Prenatal check-ups allow healthcare providers to assess progress, provide guidance, and make necessary adjustments to ensure the best health outcomes for the mother and the baby.

Takeaway Message

In conclusion, the well-being of expectant mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes highly depends on adopting a balanced and nutritious diet. Meal planning and portion control are crucial to balancing carbohydrate intake and preventing blood sugar spikes. The Indian diet offers various options that can help manage blood sugar levels while providing all the necessary nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. 

With the proper knowledge and guidance, women with gestational diabetes can enjoy a balanced and fulfilling Indian gestational diabetes diet during their pregnancy. It is recommended to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider to create an individualised meal plan that meets their nutritional needs.

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The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


What is a good breakfast for gestational diabetes?

A good breakfast for gestational diabetes may include whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk, eggs or egg whites with vegetables, or oatmeal with nuts and berries. Choosing foods that are low in added sugars and high in fibre is essential.

Are bananas good for gestational diabetes?

Bananas can be included in a gestational diabetes diet, but it’s essential to consider portion control as they contain natural sugars. Eating a small to moderate-sized banana as part of a balanced meal or snack can be a suitable choice.

Is chapati good for gestational diabetes?

Chapati can be a good option for gestational diabetes. Compared to refined flour, whole wheat flour has been found to have a lower glycemic index, indicating that it may positively impact the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Is dal good for diabetes?

Dal, which refers to lentils or legumes, can be a nutritious choice for individuals with diabetes. Lentils are rich in fibre and protein and moderately impact blood sugar levels. Including dal as a balanced meal with other low-glycemic index foods can be beneficial.

Can I eat idli during gestational diabetes?

Idli, a traditional South Indian steamed rice and lentil cake, can be included in a gestational diabetes diet. It is generally healthier than deep-fried snacks or dishes high in refined flour. However, portion control and balancing it with protein and vegetables are essential.

Can I eat ghee with gestational diabetes?

Ghee, or clarified butter, should be consumed moderately in gestational diabetes. It is high in saturated fats, so limiting its intake and focusing on healthier fat sources such as olive oil or avocado is advisable.

What are the warning signs of gestational diabetes?

Warning signs of gestational diabetes may include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, blurred vision, frequent infections, and slow-healing wounds. However, consulting with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis is essential.

Can I drink milk with pregnancy diabetes?

Drinking milk can be a part of a gestational diabetes diet, but choosing low-fat or skim milk and considering portion sizes is essential. Milk contains carbohydrates, so it is essential to monitor blood sugar levels and balance it with other foods.

What time should people with diabetes stop eating at night?

The time to stop eating at night can vary for individuals with diabetes. Having dinner at least two to three hours before bedtime is generally recommended to allow for proper digestion and blood sugar regulation. However, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalised advice.

What food is best for diabetic patients?

For diabetic patients, a balanced and controlled diet is essential. A diabetic diet chart typically includes whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. It’s crucial to limit refined sugars and carbohydrates while focusing on nutrient-dense foods.

Which fruit is good for diabetes?

Diabetics can enjoy fruits with low glycemic index such as berries, cherries, and apples in moderation. These fruits have a slower impact on blood sugar levels.

Can I eat rice in diabetes?

Yes, but it’s important to choose whole grain or brown rice in moderation. Portion control is key, and pairing rice with fiber-rich vegetables and proteins helps manage blood sugar levels.

How can I reduce my sugar during pregnancy?

Following a pregnancy sugar diet chart is vital. This involves monitoring carbohydrate intake, opting for complex carbs, incorporating lean proteins, and staying physically active. Regular consultation with a healthcare professional is essential for personalized guidance.


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