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Chiku (Sapota) Unleashed It’s Nutritional Value, Benefits, and Side Effects

Last updated on : 30 May, 2024

Read time : 14 min

Chiku, also known as sapota fruit, is a tropical delight that teases the taste buds and provides various chiku benefits that promote overall health and well-being. 

This fruit is rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants. It offers a range of advantages, including improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and healthier skin. With its high fibre content and abundant vitamins and minerals like potassium and calcium, chiku contributes to heart health, supports weight management, and helps fight against chronic diseases. 

Whether you enjoy it as a snack, blend it into smoothies, or use it in desserts, incorporating this fruit into your diet is a delicious way to reap the benefit of sapota fruit. Let’s uncover the 12 health benefits of sapota fruit and discover why it deserves a special place in your daily nutrition.

This article will explore the impressive chiku benefits, shedding light on why it should be a part of your regular diet.

Chikoo/Sapota Nutritional Value Per 100g

Chikoo (Sapota) is like a tiny powerhouse of goodness. In simple terms, it’s full of energy, giving you 83 calories in just 100 grams. The fruit is packed with fibre, which is like nature’s broom for your tummy. And guess what? It’s loaded with essential vitamins like A, C, niacin, folate, and pantothenic acid, which are like secret agents for your health. Not to forget the minerals – iron, potassium, and copper – that make it a superhero in the world of fruits!

NutrientAmount per 100 g
Energy94 kcal
Carbohydrates20 g
Fibre5.3 g
Protein0.4 g
Fat1.1 g
Phosphorus12 mg
Sodium12 mg
Vitamin C14.7 mg
Potassium193 mg
Calcium210 mg
Iron0.8 mg
Magnesium12 mg

Top 18 Health Benefits of Sapota (Chikoo)

Sapota, also known as chikoo, offers various benefits due to its rich nutritional profile. Below are the 18 Top Benefits of Sapota (Chikoo);

  1. Antioxidants
  2. Aids digestion
  3. Helps in weight loss
  4. Works well for arthritis
  5. Strengthening bones
  6. Natural cough and cold remedy
  7. Haemostatic properties
  8. Boosts immunity
  9. Good for anemia
  10. Relieves stress
  11. Good for mental health
  12. Anti-ageing properties
  13. Quick energy source
  14. Promotes healthy skin
  15. Improve hair growth
  16. Supports a healthy gut
  17. Rich in vitamins A and C
  18. Potential cancer benefits

1) Antioxidants

Chiku is packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and guard the body’s cells against damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

2) Aids digestion

The elevated fiber content in chiku facilitates smooth digestion by regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also supports the growth of good bacteria, promoting a healthy digestive system.

3) Helps in weight loss

Chiku is a low-calorie fruit high in fibre. Its natural sweetness and fibre content provide a feeling of fullness, curbing hunger pangs and aiding weight loss efforts.

Read more- Ayurvedic diet for weight loss

4) Works well for arthritis

It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce joint inflammation and alleviate symptoms of arthritis, providing relief to individuals suffering from joint pain.

5) Strengthening bones

Chiku is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Regular consumption of chiku can contribute to better bone density and prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

6) Natural cough and cold remedy

Sapota or chiku is known for its natural soothing and expectorant properties, effectively relieving cough and cold symptoms. It can help soothe the throat and clear congestion.

7) Haemostatic properties

It has haemostatic properties that help blood clotting and promote faster wound healing. It can be beneficial in managing minor cuts or injuries.

8) Boosts immunity

Chiku is loaded with vitamins, including vitamin C, which is known to promote the immune system. Regular consumption of chiku can enhance the body’s defences against infections and diseases.

9) Good for anaemia

It is a good source of iron, a vital nutrient for red blood cell production. Including chiku in the diet can help prevent iron deficiency anaemia and boost energy levels.

10) Relieves stress

The natural compounds found in chiku possess properties that are known to soothe the nervous system, leading to a reduction in stress levels. Regular consumption of chiku can also aid in the promotion of relaxation and overall feelings of well-being.

11) Good for mental health

The nutrient profile of chiku includes vitamins and minerals that support optimal brain function. It can enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and overall mental well-being.

12) Anti-ageing properties

Chiku is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E, which help neutralise free radicals and protect the skin from premature ageing. Regular consumption of chiku can help maintain youthful-looking skin. Anti-ageing properties are also among the benefits of sapota fruit.

13) Quick energy source

Natural sugars and calories in chikoo, such as fructose, provide a quick and sustained release of energy. It can be a healthy, refreshing snack to combat fatigue and boost vitality.

14) Promotes healthy skin

The abundance of vitamins A, C, and antioxidants in chiku nourishes the skin from within, promoting a healthy complexion, reducing blemishes, and enhancing skin radiance.

15) Improve hair growth

The nutrient content in chiku, including vitamins A, C, and E, along with minerals like copper, contribute to improved hair health. It strengthens the hair follicles, promotes hair growth, and reduces hair fall.

16) Supports a healthy gut

The fibre in chiku promotes a healthy digestive system by providing bulk to the stool and supporting regular bowel movements. It also nourishes the gut microbiota, which is essential for gut health.

17) Rich in vitamins A and C 

Chiku is a natural source of vitamins A and C, crucial in maintaining overall health. Vitamin A supports vision, immune function, and cell growth, while vitamin C boosts immunity and collagen synthesis.

18) Potential cancer benefits

Chiku contains phytochemicals and antioxidants that may have potential cancer-fighting properties. These compounds help neutralise harmful free radicals, hinder the growth of cancer cells, and lessen the risk of certain types of cancers.

How to Choose and Store Chikoo (Chiku)?

When selecting chikoo (chiku) at the store, look for fruits that are firm yet yield slightly to gentle pressure. Choose ones with smooth, unblemished skin, avoiding any with visible bruises or soft spots. The fruit should have a sweet aroma near the stem.
To store chikoo at home, keep them at room temperature until they ripen. Once ripe, place them in the refrigerator to slow down further ripening and extend their freshness. If you have unripe chikoos, you can accelerate the ripening process by placing them in a paper bag with a ripe banana.

Remember, chikoo is sensitive to extreme temperatures, so avoid exposure to direct sunlight or overly cold conditions. Proper storage ensures you can enjoy the delicious sweetness of chikoo for an extended period.

Precautions To Take While Consuming Chikoo (Sapota)

While consuming chikoo (sapota), it’s essential to take certain precautions for a safe and enjoyable experience. Firstly, ensure that the chikoos are ripe, as unripe ones can be astringent and may cause mouth dryness. Avoid excessive quantities, as chikoo is calorie-dense, and moderation is key.

If you have diabetes, monitor your intake due to its natural sugars. Additionally, people with latex allergies should exercise caution, as chikoo contains compounds that may trigger latex-related symptoms.

Always wash chikoos thoroughly to remove any contaminants, and if you have any existing health concerns or allergies, consult a doctor before including chikoo in your diet. Following these precautions ensures a delightful and safe consumption of chikoo.

Side effects of having chikoo 

Along with various chiku benefits, like any other food, it may cause specific side effects in some individuals. Here are some potential side effects associated with chiku consumption:

Allergic reactions

Some individuals may be allergic to chiku fruit. Allergic reactions may present as skin rashes, itching, swelling, or breathing difficulties. If you encounter allergic symptoms after consuming chiku, seek immediate medical attention.

Not healthy for diabetic patients

Chiku fruit is naturally sweet and contains sugars, including fructose. Therefore, individuals with diabetes should consume chiku in moderation or consult your healthcare provider for guidance on incorporating it into your diet.

Abdominal pain

Excessive consumption of chiku fruit may lead to abdominal discomfort and pain. This can happen due to its high fiber content or irritation of the digestive system when consumed in large quantities.

Digestive issues

Chiku is high in dietary fibre, which is generally beneficial for digestion. However, consuming too much fibre from chiku or sudden increases in fibre intake can cause digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. It is essential to consume chiku in moderation and gradually increase fibre intake.

Inflammation and itching

In rare cases, some individuals may experience oral or skin inflammation or itching after consuming chiku. These symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction or sensitivity to specific compounds in the fruit.


Chiku is a delicious fruit that tastes great and offers several health benefits. The chiku colour can vary, ranging from brown to beige or even reddish-brown.

Packed with antioxidants, it helps protect the body against damage from harmful free radicals. With natural sugars like fructose and sucrose, sapota provides a quick and natural energy boost. 

Additionally, it contains chemical compounds that have medicinal properties, making it helpful in managing various health conditions such as diarrhoea, inflammation, and pain. Consuming sapota during pregnancy should be approached with caution and discussed with a healthcare professional due to potential nutritional considerations.

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Frequently asked questions:

Can we eat Chikoo empty stomach?

Yes, it is absolutely safe to eat chikoo on an empty stomach. It can be consumed as the first meal before breakfast or even before a workout to boost energy and enhance the output during workout.

Is Chikoo safe during pregnancy?

High amounts of carbohydrates and essential nutrients in chikoo makes it a healthy choice to be consumed during pregnancy.

Is Chikoo safe for diabetes patients?

Chiku is safe for diabetics when consumed in moderation. It’s better to check your blood glucose levels before consuming the fruit to avoid any unwanted spikes.

When should we not eat Chiku?

Avoid eating Chikoo during the night as it contains high levels of fructose and sucrose that can alternate your glucose levels and interrupt your sleep.

Can Chikoo lower blood pressure?

Chikoo is highly recommended to control blood pressure. It helps eliminate bad cholesterol, promotes good cholesterol to regulate blood circulation, and helps lower sodium levels in patients with hypertension.

How does chikoo benefit kidney health?

Chikoo, also known as sapota fruit, can benefit kidney health due to its high water percentage and natural diuretic properties. Adequate hydration is vital for maintaining kidney function, and chikoo can help promote hydration. It also contains essential nutrients like potassium, which benefits kidney health.

Can chikoo help alleviate loose motion?

Yes, chikoo can help alleviate loose motion due to its high fibre content. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and facilitates healthy bowel movements. Chikoo’s natural properties can help regulate digestion and relieve loose motions.

Which individuals should avoid consuming chikoo?

Individuals with diabetes should consume chikoo in moderation due to its natural sugars. It is also important to note that excessive consumption of chikoo may lead to weight gain. Additionally, individuals with known allergies to chikoo or latex should avoid consuming it.

Does chikoo contribute to increased acidity levels?

Chikoo is generally considered alkaline and does not contribute significantly to increased acidity. However, individual tolerance and factors such as ripe or overripe chikoo consumption may vary, so it is advisable to monitor personal reactions and consult a doctor if experiencing acidity-related symptoms.

Is chikoo considered high in uric acid content?

Chikoo is not considered high in uric acid content. It is a relatively low-purine fruit, and purines are the compounds that break down into uric acid in the body. Individuals with gout or high uric acid levels may consume chikoo in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Is chikoo recommended for individuals with high blood pressure?

Chiku benefits individuals with high blood pressure due to its potassium content, which helps regulate blood pressure levels. However, individuals with hypertension should consult their healthcare provider for personalised dietary recommendations and consider overall sodium intake.

What are the potential benefits of chikoo for liver health?

Chikoo contains various nutrients and antioxidants that may support liver health. It can aid digestion and improve overall gut health, indirectly contributing to liver function. The natural fibre in chikoo helps detoxify and promotes a healthy digestive system. However, more research is needed to understand the specific benefits of chikoo for liver health.

Is chiku good for diabetes?

Chiku can be consumed in moderation by individuals with diabetes. While it is a fruit that contains natural sugars, it also provides essential nutrients and dietary fibre. However, monitoring blood sugar levels and considering the overall carbohydrate intake from chiku and other foods in the meal plan is crucial.

Can we eat chikoo in pregnancy?

Yes, chikoo or sapota can be eaten during pregnancy as it provides essential nutrients and fibre. However, it is crucial to consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Pregnant individuals should consult their doctor or a registered dietitian for personalised dietary recommendations.

How many chiku in a day should be consumed?

The recommended consumption of chiku can vary depending on different aspects such as age, overall health, and individual dietary needs. As a general guideline, consuming chiku in moderation, typically one to two fruits per day, is advisable.

What are the health benefits of consuming chikoo (sapota)?

Chikoo offers various health benefits. The chiku fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, and dietary fibre. These nutrients contribute to overall well-being and support the immune system.

Does chiku or sapota cause weight gain?

While chikoo is calorie-dense and contains natural sugars, it can be part of a balanced diet, aiding in weight gain for those seeking to increase calorie intake.

Is chikoo or sapota good for hair?

Chikoo fruit is also beneficial for hair health because its vitamin A content promotes sebum production for a healthy scalp. The antioxidants in chiku fruit contribute to overall hair vitality. Including it in moderation can be a tasty and nutritious addition to support your health and well-being.


The content provided within this article has been thoroughly verified for accuracy. However, we advise consulting a healthcare professional before utilising any medication or dietary supplements mentioned herein.


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  • Mirshekari A, Madani B, Yahia EM, Golding JB, Vand SH. Postharvest melatonin treatment reduces chilling injury in sapota fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2020 Mar 30;100(5):1897-903. [Internet]. [Cited on 2023 July 6]. Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsfa.10198 
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